​​Those of you that know me as a baby photographer in Hertfordshire, you will know that my absolute passion is print photography.  Without sounding like a total dinosaur; I learned on film.  I spent many an hour in the darkroom at college, watching and waiting for the magic of the image to start to appear.  Then we had a tangible print to look at, put in an album and keep forever.   

Now I know that things change and we should embrace technology; Im not asking you to make hundreds of leather bound albums.  I just want you to print some of your favourite photographs and put them around your house!

Why you should print your photographs.

 Almost all of us have fond memories of flipping through the family photo albums as a child.  Or remember seeing their portraits proudly hung on the wall.  Studies have shown that having your family or children’s portraits on the wall or on display in your home, can improve your child’s self-esteem and sense of worth – you don’t get that with digital files.  Hard copies casn be touched, passed around and shared without having to hand the phone back every minute to unlock the screen!

How to print your photographs off your phone

Nearly all of us carry a camera in our pocket these days in the form of your mobile phone.  We can and do take daily pictures of our families – even of the food we eat (we’d have never wasted film on that!). But how many do we print?  Who gets to see those images – maybe you share them on social media but what happened to the family snaps in the holiday album or the funny moments captured forever and pinned to the fridge?  We all know that the quality of phone pictures isn’t great – you would struggle to print a decent image at a size you would want on the wall but smaller snaps can definitely be printed. If you don’t have a system for printing and keeping your phone pictures, start now.  Why not try selecting your favourite phone photographs at the end of every month and getting them printed? There are plenty of places that offer free prints and it is a great way to get started.  Or how about making a photobook at the end of every year? There are lots of ways to get started to bring your digital images into physical life.

How to print your photographs from a professional photographer.

Along with your own snaps, most families choose to have regular professional portraits.  There are tons of reasons people choose to do this including:

  • No one is ‘missing’ from a pro photo – you can have the full family included (even your pets)
  • Professional photographs can be printed BIG and displayed proudly in your home to match your decor
  • Professional portraits look stunning – everyone is looking at the camera and it’s my job as the photographer to make sure the light, focus and composition are all perfect.  

Most photogrpahers ofer prints as a part of their package or offer a high resolution digital file for you to get printed yourselves.

I understand that families these days like to have the best of both worlds and be able to share their professional photographs with their family which is why, at Alice James Photography, we provide the digital files along with our print packages.  This way our families can have stunning wall art as well as a digital copy to send to Grandma!

My conclusion? Definitely take the snaps.  Definitely get your regular professional portraits.  But more importantly, get your pictures printed – enjoy them for generations. There’s no better gift for your family.


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