When you have had a baby, your life seems to change overnight.  Your previous social life of dinner and drinks with friends somehow disappears and you’re left looking for a whole new set of activities to do.  Enter baby classes.  They’re a fantastic way to meet other parents with the same aged babies and have a bit of human interaction in between feeding and nappy changes.  Here are a few of my favorite baby classes in Hitchin that I tried when mine were babies.  There are only the ones I have tried – there are literally load to choose from!  Most offer a free trial class to see if it’s your thing which I recommend doing as there seems to be a different vibe to them all – some are quiet and chilled and some a little higher energy so it really depends what you are looking for.

Baby Music Class in Hitchin

A music class is a great way to bond with your baby.  You really have to let go and sing along, no matter how daft you feel to really enjoy a baby music class.  If you don’t find yourselves singing their theme tune long after your baby has gone to bed, you really aren’t doing it right. My children are 7 and 10 and I STILL sing some of the Jo Jingles songs to them!  More like AT them, but still!

Jo Jingles

Jo Jingles is a music and movement class suitable for babies over 3 months.  It’s based around a red and yellow puppet called Jo and it really is a lovely class.  I wa very sad when my youngest started school signaly the end of our road with Jo Jingles 🙁  

Their Hitchin class is on a Tuesday at St Marks church hall.



Baby Rhyme time

Every Thursday, Hitchin library offer free baby rhyme time sessions.  This is a fun session with songs and rhymes and is suitable for babies up to about 12 months.  You can expect classics such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar and We’re going on a bear hunt.  All with actions of course!

Check out their website for up to date timings



Baby Massage class in Hitchin

Massage is a lovely activity to do with your baby.  There is a calm, relaxing atmosphere and it is a great bonding experience.  You will learn some good techniques to use on your baby at home to help them with common ailments – trapped wind, colic etc.

Mama Baby Bliss run 6 week massage courses at their studio in Sun street, Hitchin.



Messy play 

Babie’s LOVE getting messy but it’s not one us parents are quite as willing to facilitate!  I remember when my son was about 12 months, I bought one of those black tuff trays and filled it with porridge oats.  It was meant to be an excellent sensory experience for him.  Well, he thoroughly enjoyed himself.  I however was hoovering up porridge oats for years to come and never used the tray again.

Instead, I found a group that set it all up and cleaned it all away for me!  The one I went to doesn’t seem to run any more however I found this one in Instagram which does pop up events every now and then which looks quite a lot of fun!


Baby signing in Hitchin

At some point, your baby is going to hit a milestone where they get frustrated because they are trying to communicate with you but can not yet talk.  Cue a lot of pointing and crying when you get it wrong!  This is where baby signing can come in useful.  Baby signing teaches babies keywords. So whilst your baby isn’t going to start signing full sentences, they will learn the key signs in order for them to communicate effectively with their caregiver.  We loved our signing journey, even though my daughter thought it was great to sign ‘milk’ all day!

The Signing Company offer various courses in and around Hitchin and are highly recommended!



Baby Sensory class in Hitchin

Baby sensory classes are all about providing age appropriate visual and sensory cues for your baby.  Light, scarves, bubbles – you name it they have it! The classes are engaging and really lovely to see your baby react to something for the first time – be it the light shows or the tickle of a feather.  It’s a really fun class and is a perfect opportunity to have fun with your baby and meet other new parents.

Baby Sensory hold their Hitchin classes at St John’s community centre.



Baby swimming in Hitchin

Ok, stay with me on this one. The thought of parading my  post partum body around in a swimsuit was my idea of absolute hell.  Then there is the getting a wriggling baby changed into some sort of swim nappy contraption that you have no idea how to put on….But seriously, babies love being in the water.  Most parent and baby classes are gentle affairs, with singing and swishing.  Maybe even a watering can, squirty duck, that kind of thing.  It’s the perfect way to get them used to the water from a young age and is the perfect time for you to put them on the list for swimming lessons.  I’m not actually joking – put them on the list as soon as they’re born because waiting lists are huge.  Hitchin swimming centre offers a parent and baby class but you’re best checking with them for times and availability.


And that’s a wrap folks!  We had great fun at all of these classes when my children were babies and if you do a bit of searching there are loads more to try as well.  Are you particularly enjoying one of your baby classes?  Let me know in the comments!


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