What are the best baby apps in 2022?

One thing I have learned on my parenting journey is that there is literally an app for everything.  Once a technological minimalist, phone home screen clear with only the essential apps, now I find myself scrolling for hours just looking for the app I need on my home screen! Whilst there is no need to download them all, some really do make life a little bit easier, and who isn’t up for that?! 

I’ve tested some awesome, and some pretty useless, apps and compiled a list of the best baby apps that I think are worthy of taking up a little of your precious phone space.


1. Baby Feed Timer

Whilst this one is called a baby feed timer, it’s actually an everything timer. You can track feeds – breast and bottle, sleep, nappy changes and start to build up a picture of an emerging routine your baby might be following.  Never underestimate how difficult it is to remember something that happened only 2 hours ago whilst operating on only 3 hours sleep!  It’s useful to be able to answer the questions “when was baby last fed” or “how many wet nappies has baby had today” with some clarity.

App Store Baby Feed Timer

Play Store Baby Feed Timer


2. Sleepy Sounds

Did you know that the world is a noisy place for a baby in their mother’s uterus? They can hear noise all the time and sleep through your daily lives.  Often when they are born, we try to create a calm, quiet environment for them to sleep and they HATE it!  Baby’s LOVE noise! That’s why I use a white noise machine during my newborn photoshoots.  Try a white noise app like Sleepy Sounds and have fun seeing which one your baby responds to the best. Be warned though, it works on parents just as much and you may find yourself falling asleep too!

App Store Sleepy Sounds

Play Store Sleepy Sounds


3. The Wonder Weeks

This book was my bible when my children were babies and now it comes as a handy app.  This concept is all about your baby’s mental development at various stages and can be a useful point of reference to explain any fussiness or sleep regressions taking place. 

App Store Wonder Weeks

Play Store Wonder Weeks


4. NCT Babychange

Unfortunately not all public toilets are created equally and too many of us have ended up changing a nappy on our knees whilst sitting on the toilet for want of a better place.  So luckily the NCT has created this app which you can use to search for your closest baby change facilities.  You can even rate them! This is definitely one of the best baby apps to have whilst you are out and about.

App Store NCT Babychange

Play Store NCT Babychange 


5. Kegel Trainer

Ok so it’s not the usual topic of conversation and I know it doesn’t seem to be a priority right now but just DO THE PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISES! This app will remind you throughout the day to do a discreet workout.   You will thank this app when your child is older and wants you to go to the trampoline park with them! 

App Store Kegel Trainer

Play Store Kegel Trainer


6. Cozi

Ever seen those super organised parents who never seem to forget anything or be late anywhere? I bet they have Cozi. It’s a one stop life organiser. You can co ordinate schedules with another user, make shopping lists, reminders. Your turn to do the nursery pick up? Cozi will let you know! I personally am not sure what I would do without it. 

App Store Cozi

Play Store Cozi 


7. Red Cross First Aid

Would you know what to do if your baby needed first aid assistance? The Red Cross have developed an app with first aid advice specifically for babies and children.  It contains videos and useful skills to treat simple first aid situations at home.  Whilst this isn’t a substitute for first aid training, it is a useful source of information and signposting. I would recommend signing up for a first aid course aimed at parents as well for total peace of mind.

App Store Red Cross

Play Store Red Cross


8. Fisher Price Animal Sounds

Sometimes you need an app just to entertain, and that is what this one does.  Cute animals making cute animal noises – what more could a baby want for entertainment?! And you might just be able to have that coffee whilst it is hot and have a much needed conversation with another human being.

App Store Animal Sounds

Play Store Animal Sounds


9. Peanut

Becoming a parent for the first – or subsequent time – is such a life changing event and we often find that our friendships change during this time.  It’s difficult to find your ‘tribe’ which is why Peanut is such a good app.  It’s a bit like tinder for mums.  You can find and connect with fellow mums at a similar stage in their parenting journey and create your new circle. It’s a wonderful support to be able to share your parenting journey with like minded people and there are lots of mums on Peanut wanting you to be a part of their tribe.

App Store Peanut

Play Store Peanut


10. Netflix

I know this is a list of best baby apps but could this really be a list of apps aimed at parents without the mention of Netflix?! For those afternoon cluster feeds, middle of the night feeds and out and about ‘I want Peppa Pig’ meltdown emergencies.  Netflix is our savior and I’m not afraid to admit it!

So that’s my roundup of the best baby apps to make your life easier as you navigate the early parenthood journey.  Are there any that you would add to the list? Let me know in the comments below and I would love to give them a test run.


Angie x 

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